To strengthen communities through cultural exploration and collaborative art making. We seek to inspire conversations between and about the many cultures that make South Omaha the
“Magic City”.

Mexican Community Mural
Mexican American Historical Society of the Midlands and Friends. Hugo Zamorano. Mike Girón. Gerardo Vazquez. Ian Rodriguez. Jair Rodriguez. Aaron Olivo. Daniel Castaneda. Richard Harrison. Quintin Slovek. Gary Kastrick.
Plaza de la Raza
4909 S 25th St, Omaha, NE 68107

Quetzal Mural
Lead artists on the project was Sedra Casteneda and Supporting Artists included: Mike Giron, Mary Ensz, Jair Rodriguez, Remar Barrera, Josh Earp and Richard Harrison. About 55 community members attended community projection night and paint day events.
4837 S 24th St. , in Omaha, Nebraska

Community Partners
South Omaha Neighborhood Alliance
South Omaha Business Association
The South Omaha Museum
The Native Urban Health Coalition of Omaha
The Omaha Irish Cultural Society
The Polish Home
The Croatian Cultural Society of Omaha
The Mexican American Cultural Society
The Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim
The Salvation Army Kroc Center
Financial Supporters
The Nebraska Arts Council
South Omaha Historical Grant
The Douglas County Visitor Improvement Fund
Omaha Community Foundation
Omaha Mayor's Neighborhood Grant

(contact us)
402-490-7026 | midsummer@cox.net

© 2020 A Midsummer's Mural / The South Omaha Mural Project
A Midsummer's Mural is a complany that has done all kinds of specialty painting in all kinds of places since 1999. To learn more about what we do in homes, churches, hopitals and businesses visit amidsummersmural.com